"Speaking Voice"
Your speaking voice is as important as the words you choose. You
should sit up straight (or stand ) to give your voice the most
resonance. You should also lower the pitch of your voice about one
octave below your normal speaking voice. Psychologically this will
give you more confidence, and also increase your charisma presence
with the person on the other end of the phone. It is important to
record some of your pretext calls so that you can go back over your
work and hear how well you sounded, and what you could do better next
More Tips

"New Databases" Watch for new potential sources of data in your daily transactions.
Pizza Hut, Radio Shack, and Blockbuster Video all keep track of their
customers by phone number. If you called Radio Shack in your debtor's
city, tell them you are with Radio Shack in another town. Explain that
Mr. Debtor wrote your store a bad check and that you are trying to
find a current address for him. Ask them if they would look Mr. Debtor
for you by his phone number. They will usually help.
More Tips


Free Skip Tracing Information, Tips & Tricks |
What is Skip Tracing?
Skip Tracing is the process of tracking someone who
owes you money.
In order to successfully collect on a delinquent
account, you have to locate the debtor. A debtor may
relocate and/or have his telephone disconnected,
believing they are leaving creditors with no immediate
means of contact. However, skip tracing allows creditors
to locate debtors through various outlets available to
A skip trace can be done for current address and phone,
fictitious business names, social security death index,
bankruptcies, judgments, liens, national property and
deed transfers.
Caller ID Masking |
Sometimes, when a skip tracer places a phone call,
they would like to be able to alter their caller ID to
something different than what it normally says.
allows you to control your caller ID. You can program
the phone number you want to be displayed in the caller
ID box when you place a call.
You even have the ability to change your voice from
male to female or female to male. You can also record
any conversations you make using spooftel.com. You can
even SMS Text anonymously with their service.
Be careful with this skip tracing tool, it would of
course be illegal to use a service like this to
impersonate a law enforcement entity or other government
A good use for spoofing your caller ID would be if
you have the debtor's cell phone and home telephone
number, and the debtor never answers your anonymous
calls. Call his cell phone and spoof his home phone
number as your caller ID data. The debtor will always
pick up a call from his house.
Skip Tracing Tools and Links |
Here are some free links around the internet that
should help get you skip tracing like a pro in no time.
Check out each link, plug in known information to the
databases and see what information is returned. Check
the information that is returned for accuracy. This will
show you how accurate each of the searches are.
Take some time and experiment with each of the
databases. Experience each databases strong points and
weaknesses so that you know what each databases can
411 Canada
AnyWho InfoFind
a Business
Find a Business
Address Finder
Lycos Who Where Email Search
Reverse Address
The Ultimate Yellow Pages
Virtual EMail Search
WhoIs (Network Solutions)
World Pages Phone Search
Skip Tracing Information |
Here is a list of all the information that will be
helpful when skip tracing:
Subjects full and complete name and any alias names
Spouse's name and maiden name
Last known address and the date it was valid
Any previous addresses and dates valid
Last know telephone numbers with dates valid
Social Security number
Date of birth and age
Spouse's Date of birth
Last known Employment of subject and spouse
ID or Drivers license numbers |
Social Security Numbers |
Did you know the first three digits of a social
security number indicate what state the subject was
living in at the time their social security number was
Here is the info to decode where your skip is from:
Social Security Number
State Issued
001-003 |
New Hampshire |
004-007 |
Maine |
008-009 |
Vermont |
010-034 |
Massachusetts |
035-039 |
Rhode Island |
040-049 |
Connecticut |
050-134 |
New York |
135-158 |
New Jersey |
159-211 |
Pennsylvania |
212-220 |
Maryland |
221-222 |
Delaware |
223-231 |
Virginia |
232-236 |
West Virginia |
232, 237-246 |
North Carolina |
247-251, 654-658 |
South Carolina |
252-260, 667-675 |
Georgia |
261-267, 589-595 |
Florida |
268-302 |
Ohio |
318-361 |
Indiana |
318-361 |
Illinois |
362-386 |
Michigan |
387-399 |
Wisconsin |
400-407 |
Kentucky |
408-415 |
Tennessee |
416-424 |
Alabama |
425-428 |
Mississippi |
429-432 |
Arkansas |
433-439 |
Louisiana |
440-448 |
Oklahoma |
449-467, 627-645 |
Texas |
468-477 |
Minnesota |
478-485 |
Iowa |
486-500 |
Missouri |
501-502 |
North Dakota |
503-504 |
South Dakota |
505-508 |
Nebraska |
509-515 |
Kansas |
516-517 |
Montana |
518-519 |
Idaho |
520 |
Wyoming |
521-524 |
Colorado |
525, 585, 648-649 |
New Mexico |
526-527, 600-601 |
Arizona |
528-529, 646-647 |
Utah |
530, 680 |
Nevada |
531-539 |
Washington |
540-544 |
Oregon |
545-573, 602-626 |
California |
574 |
Alaska |
575-576 |
Hawaii |
577-579 |
D.C. |
580 |
Virgin Islands |
580-584, 596-599 |
Puerto Rico |
586 |
Guam |
586 |
American Somoa |
586 |
Philippine Islands |
700-728 |
Railroad Board |
New Skip Tracing Tips |
Please send us an
e-mail if there is a skip tracing tip or link you
would like to see us add to Repo-Links.com |
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